"You belong in the most secret part of you. Don't worry about cool, make your own uncool. Make your own, your own world. If you fear, make it work for you - draw and paint your fear and anxiety."
- Sol Lewitt

My work is an extension of the concerns, musings and yearnings of my life. Nature, mortality, the puzzle of linear time and the riddle of the Cosmic Joker often occupy my thoughts. Geometry is the effort of human beings to understand nature. Its clarity and simplicity, combined with colour, provide me with limitless means of expression. Everything, however, starts with observation and perception of the visual world.

PROOF, Artist Member Exhbition at Carnegie Gallery
Hamilton Rooftops, acrylic on canvas, 24x36", is included in PROOF, an Artist Member Group Exhibition at Carnegie Gallery in Dundas, Ontario. The exhibition will run from July 5-August 25, 2024.

/'ab,strak(t)/ Online Juried Exhbibion
My acrylic on canvas, PROWL, 48x36", has been accepted into an online, juried exhibition entitled /'ab,strak(t)/, from a USA-based organization called Art Fluent. The jurors chose 87 from over 650 submissions.
All of the work may be viewed in the online gallery at:

Island Art Exhibition at Grand Manan Art Gallery
Two of my earlier watercolours from the island will be featured in this annual exhibition. It will run from July 14 - August 2, 2024. Grand Manan Island is in New Brunswick, Canada.
Details at:

***Coming soon
Coombs and Mackay at Carnegie Gallery this September

I'll be exhibiting new work with my friend, Ian Mackay, from September 6-29 this fall at Carnegie Gallery in Dundas, Ontario. The Opening Reception will take place on Friday, September 6 from 7-9:30pm.

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